simple gift givers

Remember those jars I picked up a while back? Well I got a lot of great comments back on what to do with them, since I was stuck with ideas. Now, I did have that idea to make a little spa kit, well little the jar was. Let's just say the contents I picked up were a wee bit too big.
I do have some more jar gifts up my sleeve, since I couldn't settle on just one... and because now that I've started I can't seem to stop...but here a the few so far.

1. Chilli Salt
What foodie friend wouldn't want this?
350g of course sea salt
6 dried red chillies
reserve 50g of the salt, place the rest of the salt and chillies in a food processor and whiz for about 45 seconds. Add the remaining 50g of salt and place in a favorite jar or little gift pack.

2. Bath Fizzies
Via Martha Stewart. (Mine turned out little rustic... just don't add to much water like I did, they will react before there time, if you give these a go.)

3. Christmas Blend
(No, not the StarBucks kind.) Got a coffee drinker who likes the good ol' instant kind? Well, I just jazzed it up with some ground cinnamon and ginger for a spicy twist.

4. Christmas Caramels
These were oh so good and full of gingerbread flavor. Want to make them? Find the recipe here.


Cathie said…
LOVE them all!
I am definitely doing the handmade christmas goodies but my jars are not as beautifully precious as yours. lovely ♥
Irene said…
These are so beautiful! I love your style!

I just end up making cookies and biscotti for everyone :) I think maybe I'll vary it up this year with rugelach (oooh, adventurous, I know! ;)).
Unknown said…
That's brilliant! Your photographed them beautifully as well. I'm also making some handcrafted treats this year.
El said…
I knew you were going make something incredible out of those jars...and you did. It's inspirational and I love it. Thanks for the great ideas!
Amanda said…
Very cool. I love the chillie salt. And I'm going to check out this bath fizzies thing. I would never have thought they could be homemade.
Chef Chuck said…
Spectacular!! Ash once again I am impressed, the filling in these jars are another example of your wonderful talent! Chili Salt, Yes!!
Kitchen Butterfly said…
How you ship to the Netherlands :-).....Lovely, truly.
Alice said…
Hello, it's nice to discover such a nice blog like yours. Thanks for visiting. I'll be back ;)
Lucy said…
Your ideas are so gorgeous - I'd never think of the chilli salt or bath fizzers! I bet the recipients will adore their gifts :)
apparentlyjessy said…
I really like what you have done with the jars Ash, you are super creative and clever!
I particularly like the Christmas blend idea, simple but would be enjoyed so much by any coffee lover!
Emily said…
Wow, you're so creative. I'm sure the people receiving these were thrilled. Love your gorgeous pics.
Anonymous said…
Love it all - you did a fantastic job. They look beautiful :)

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