

I'm kind of embarrassed to say where I got this recipe from.... okay well you know how some mystery novels have recipes? Yeah. There.
Apparently when ones reading about donuts you start to crave it. I guess I could have just gone out to a shop and bought one to settle the craving for them right then and there but when I see a recipe for fast easy donuts? I'm all for it.

Easy Raised Donuts
from the book Sinister Sprinkles

2 pkg fast raising yeast
2 1/2 tbsp granulated sugar
1 cup water
1 egg beaten
1/3 cup butter, melted
1 tsp vanilla extract
1 tsp cinnamon
1 tsp nutmeg
1/2 tsp salt
3-4 cups flour

In a bowl mix the yeast, sugar and water. Let sit for five minutes for the yeast to activate. Add the egg, butter, cinnamon, nutmeg, vanilla and salt and mix well. Slowly add in the flour until it's not sticky to the touch. Knead the dough for a couple of minutes. Roll out the dough to about 1/4 to 1/2 inch thick and cut out donut shapes and lay them on a baking sheet to raise for 30 minutes. Fry in canola oil at 360 F turing once so both sides cook evenly. Drain on a paper towel.
Since these donuts are the light and airy sort I added a strawberry glaze to mine which consisted of icing sugar, vanilla, warm water and strawberry flavor. Once the donuts cooled I dipped the tops in the the glaze and added my choice of topping. Sprinkles, coconut or even crushed up nuts would be great!

Have a great weekend everyone!


Uncle Beefy said…
Oh, I am so, so tempted to try these but papa has gots to get some weight off! Oy!

Still, as ever seduced by the beauty that is your blog, Ash!

Have a wonderful weekend, too! :)
apparentlyjessy said…
They look so delicious, and I LOVE how giant they are. Good choice on the strawberry glaze, and the toppings just complete the perfection.
I think its pretty cool you tried out a recipe from a mystery book.
Sips and Spoonfuls said…
They look nothing short of amazing. I love the pictures, the donuts, everything!
Anonymous said…
SO BEAUTIFUL! I love the coconut topping, and also your post on how to make it!

I love your pictures - thanks for stopping by my blog! I'm glad to have discovered yours :)
Katiecakes said…
A mystery book, with recipes? Why don't I read these treasures?!

These are on my to bake list this weekend. I love how lovely they look!!

Katie xox
Julie Marie said…
those look so good.
your photos are amazing by the way, i love the color schemes and depth of field. keep up the good work!!!!
Jennifer said…
These are absolutely gorgeous donuts! The colours look so beautiful!
Patricia Scarpin said…
They look so amazing, Ash! Perfec, actually. I can't get enough of your photos. :)
Kasey said…
Just discovered your gorgeous blog and am loving it! These donuts sound amazing. Can't wait to dig in deeper.
Maria said…
Gorgeous photos and delicious doughnuts!
Jenn said…
These sound absolutely incredible. I bet the strawberry glaze puts them over the top! I have had a donut recipe that I have been wanting to try for about 6 years and I still don't dare try them. I wish you could make them for me, because yours look perfect.
Anonymous said…
Hey daaaaahling, long time no see! I'm loving these simply beautiful donuts! Please send one my way!
*kisses* HH
east side bride said…
these photos are AMAZEBALLS
Julie Marie said…
These are just ridiculously cute. The way you styled the photos, especially with the bent spoon is very appealing
Tash said…
Beautiful photos! I always thought donuts were too complicated to make for some reason. I will have to give this recipe a try, they look too good!
Natasha xo
ChichaJo said…
The look plump perfection :) Love how you got the recipe from a mystery novel!
Jess said…
look like the perfect weekend treat! did you pan fry them in canola oil or deep fry them?
Ash said…
THanks everyone!! THese were such fun to photograph!

Jesse: I deep fried them in about 3-4 inches of canola oil.
Chocolate Freckles said…
I am ok to break my new year's resolution if I do it when eating something as good as this!
annie said…
hahahaha, i've been so tempted before to try out recipes from mystery novels... like joanna fluke's. sigh. anyway, well done! these look so tasty that i think i have to make a trip to the baker's tomorrow... given my lack of large-enough fryware... :) sweet post.
style fare said…
This is immediately going high up on my to-make list! Thanks for the beautiful and delicious inspiration! :)
style fare said…
PS: I absolutely adore your cake plate :)
Aspiring Kennedy said…
dear ash-

these donuts are amazing. i am going to make them soon.


ps. i love your writing, photography, et al. I think we could be friends. :)
Unknown said…
WOW. beautiful looking donuts. i never new mystery novels have recipes for donuts. pretty cool. love your blog.

xoxo melissa
Chef Chuck said…
I would indulge with a cup of coffee!
Thank you :)
~Photo always, right on~
the happy honeybee said…
Ohh, I must try this. Thanks for posting the recipe...your photographs are gorgeous!
Jen said…
The bent spoon in your last photo is fantastic! Whats it called? Who makes? Where can I get one?
And thanks for the donut post!
Anonymous said…
Can't wait to try this recipe! Thanks for sharing. P.S. I always wondered where novels got their recipes.
Ash said…
Jen: I can't actually remember where I got that spoon, I keep seeing a country type general store in my head, but I could be wrong.
The spoon is actually made to rest freely on the edge of a mug with out putting it down, cool right?
Sadly I haven't seen one since.

I did find a link to this one, it's a bit different but does the job:

Hope that helps!
Johanna said…
Hi! I just discovered your blog and immediately decided to make these doughnuts. Your photos are enchanting and I hadn't had a doughnut in years, so I had to do it! Wow. So simple and delicious! I shared the recipe on my blog, with a link to your blog, along some pictures I took. Yum! Thank you for sharing this.
Leah D said…
Lovely lovely photos! So grateful to run across your lovely blog today! Keep shooting!
Casey said…
Just found your blog, beautiful pictures! Thanks for always including recipes!
Heidi / foodiecrush said…
Beautiful photos and blog, so excited to include in my donut top 5. I'll be looking forward to your tweets on new recipes! Thank you!!!
ameanderingmango said…
Gorgeous blog and I simply love these pink doughnuts!
alessandra said…
These doughnuts are the cutest I ever saw (and yummi).
I will try to make them too.
Thank you:)
anonymous said…
How many grams do your cup measures?

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