right now...

It's very, very cold and were expecting a big dumping of snow tomorrow and well, I'm excited.

Did you all think I disappeared? I know, I've been gone for just a little bit, but I finally had time to fit in a post even though small it maybe, but I would like nothing more then to relax and watch christmas movies just now with a big cup of piping hot green tea.
I've had just the busiest week. It's been a non-stop baking marathon at my house. I've done nothing more then bake sugar cookies, brownies, truffles, lemon bars, coconut chocolate butterscotch bars, shortbread bars, marshmallows, lolli-pop brownies, nut chocolate chip cookies, choc peppermint bark. Phew! Then well.... yep you guessed it, more cookies! There could be more, but I feel I may have forgot, but you get the idea right?
Before Christmas falls, I will post a little delight I came up with this weekend. Salted brownie truffles anyone?

So are all of you prepared for the holidays? I feel my house might be lacking in the spirt, as for its a little more messy then merry at the moment.


El said…
I love it! What a clever idea putting ear muffs on the cookie. I would love to be in your kitchen with all of those scrumptious desserts in the works. I'm especially looking forward to reading about the salted brownie truffle!
Cathie said…
you are an absolute baking & photographing wonder!!
wow, wow, wow, I think you need a break.
my place is lacking in spirit aswell but the kitchen chaos continues.
all the best for christmas & the new year Ash.
il ramaiolo said…
hello!! Merry Christmas!!
Kitchen Butterfly said…
Messy than merry - that makes two of us :-)

I love salted anything...especially if there's chocolate involved so looking forward to the brownie truffles.

Love the turqouise earmuffs on that cookie....
Lucy said…
What an adorable cookie - made me smile! The list of your recent bakes sounds utterly gorgeous, very envious!
Merry Christmas :)
Emily said…
Oh, we have snow here too, though surely not as much as in Canada. I'm sure everything you're making will be awesome and I can't wait to see your truffles! Hmm, can't say I'm exactly prepared for Christmas - there's still all the food shopping, baking and wrapping to do but it's a nice kind of work. Hope you get a little time to yourself to relax!
Anonymous said…
Wow! That is a lot of Christmas baking - you sure have been busy.

Oh and the snowman cookie is super cute!
Chef Chuck said…
Wow Ash, It sound's more like you turned your place into a "Bakery". I love that cookie,the colors and that nose!! That is one long list of goodies! My I stop by, Yummm :) Looking forward to the delight!
Valerie Gamine said…
Salted brownie truffles sound deadly and delicious! I know what you mean about the mess left after baking. Baking is fun but I really can't stand the pile of bowls and measuring cups left behind. If only I could enlist one of my cats to wash dishes. :)

Your snowman cookie is adorable!
apparentlyjessy said…
That is a super cute snowman cookie! I wish I could visit your house this Christmas to try some of the goodies you have been making! Salted brownie truffles sound DELICIOUS!
Really cute - especially the earmuffs :)

I'm never ready for the holidays...i'm always behind on the decorating and gift shopping, but making cookies is always the priority!

Happy Holidays :)
Cherie said…
All that baking and no Christmas spirit? I find that hard to believe:)
Rhiannon Bosse said…
Merry Christmas sista :) Have a very happy holiday!

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