beat the cold

I have to tell you I've made this time and time again. It's just one of those comforting dishes that's doulbly hearty and best eaten on a snowy cold day, (mostly like the days we've been having too much of!) a day where you just want to curl up with a bowl of something hot and let it melt the chill away.
No more snow... please?

chunky veg soup
recipe adapted from Donna Hay

1 tbsp olive oil
1 onion, chopped
2 cloves of garlic, chopped finely
2 stalks of celery, chopped
3 carrots, chopped
1 tbsp fresh thyme
sea salt and fresh ground pepper
2 x cans of chopped tomatoes (14oz)
1 1/2 litres of water or stock
1 cup of pasta (your choice)

In a large sauce pan over medium heat add the oil, onion, carrots, celery, garlic, thyme and salt and pepper and cook until just soft. Add the tomatoes and water and simmer for 15 minutes. Add the pasta and cook for another 8-10 min. Serves 4-6.


Anja said…
It looks very delicious and comforting.
Lulu said…
Mmmm very delicious!
The pictures are great!!!
Heather said…
Just looking at this soup is warming me up on a chilly Wednesday morning!
Medifast Coupons said…
Wonderful winter warmth in a bowl. It is colourful, healthy and well delicious! Great easy way to get everyone eating better!
Tash said…
This looks so good and exactly what I need to make on these cold evenings! Beautiful photos too :)
SL said…
OMG that looks delicious!! On very cold Toronto day like today that would be a perfect dish :)

Sarah said…
Hello, love your blog and this is a great soup recipe!

Have you ever blog hopped before? We'd love it if you contributed this awesome soup recipe to our blog hop on favorite soups, it's a great way to get links back to your site. Really easy too and we're live until midnight tonight.

You can check out our blog hop here:

Lucy said…
Oh this looks just perfect. Comforting and delicious - I'm envious!
Wanting What I Have said…
LOVE your photos! I'm bookmarking this one for our menu this week!
Sue said…
Looks so delicious! Bookmarking the post for the recipe, I look forward to making this sometime soon. Just discovered your blog through your lovely Flickr photos :)
Joyti said…
Your vegetable soup is so pretty! It looks really wonderful...colorful, hearty, fresh, and still so comforting.
This looks so good; hearty but also healthy (which don't necessarily go hand-in-hand). It's a great way to make sure those vegetables make it in...something I'm trying to be very conscious of lately!
amanda areias said…
Love your pictures!
Congratulations for your work here!

Patricia Scarpin said…
I haven't been around lately because Flickr no longer works at work, so I cannot see your stunning photos.
This is so beautiful, Ash - you're making me crave soup in the middle of summer, and just so you know it, right it's 32°C (889°F) here. :)
Shayna said…
I made this for dinner tonight, it was really delicious! Thanks for the recipe!
Bess said…
I made this for dinner and it was lovely! My OH is currently downing his 2nd bowl [with half a loaf of bread!]
This looks so tasty plus it's vegan so score! Will have to add it to my recipes to check out list. Thank you!
Julie B. [Holland] said…
Ash- Made this today it was delicious! Thanks for posting it!
Julie in HOlland :)
A Canadian Foodie said…
I haven't been by (sadly) for ages, Ash. Your site and food looks scrumptious and this post definitely invited me in as it is a blustery day in the Alberta Prairies today, and YUM!
When and if you ever install feedburner, I will be the first to subscribe so I can get your posts in my mail box. I hate to miss them, but never use readers or feeds.
Anonymous said…
I just made this soup and it's really delicious! It's been really cold in South Africa (it's the start of winter) and this was perfect comfort food over the weekend. Thanks for the recipe! I'm definitely going to make this soup more than once!
Michelle said…
mmm this looks so tasty thanks!!! found your blog through pinterest ;)
Jenna said…
Yum! Your gorgeous photos are totally drawing me in. And inspired by Donna Hay? I love that woman. I have celery and carrots and an onion in the fridge as we speak, so this may be happening quite, quite soon in my kitchen.
Tonight, perhaps? =)
jess said…
this was so simple and delicious, i made it for dinner date night for 6 ! :]
Kellyann said…
Oh wow, this is SO good! I added peas and red wine, and it was DELICIOUS. Thanks for the recipe!
H.firkser said…
Making it now... looks and smells great so far! I added zuchinni and Green peas cause I'm a college student and I just can't afford to let my veggies go to waste in the fridge. Excited to see how it turns out!
Kate said…
sounds so good! Love your pot too :)
Unknown said…
Surprisingly, ALL of my children enjoyed the flavor of this soup! I thought it was excellent! I followed the recipe pretty closely, but chose to use organic vegetable broth and substituted two cups of diced fresh tomatoes for one of the cans of diced tomatoes.
Sara Berthe said…
I woke up early on a Monday to make this soup and it smelled great. I packaged it up to take to work and when I arrived, I opened the recipe back up to input into Weight Watchers. At that point, I noticed that I didn't follow the recipe, and I didn't use any oil or simmer the veggies until soft. I got nervous because I have a history of making soup with no taste. So, I opened the soup to take a bite and wound up eating the entire bowl on the spot - at 930 AM! This is possibly the best soup I've ever made and I can't wait to make it over and over throughout the fall and winter.
Alex said…
Yummy, looks so amazing! I'm making this asap!
Aranka said…
Made this soup tonight, yummy!!! And since I made it for just myself, I have tons of leftovers :)
This soup is so perfect for cold winter nights. My family and I enjoyed it and I felt like it was just what the doctor ordered since the flu and colds seem to be everywhere right now! I featured this recipe in my most recent weekly meal plan on my blog, thank you!
Anonymous said…
Hello I made this one night.. I changed somethings though I added some cut steak in it. Butnomg was thia recipe awsome. I mde it for my family movie night and ket me tellnyou that there was nothing lefted... and im having another family movie night tomorrow and everyone has been asking me to make this again. Thank for the great recipes.
Calogero Mira said…
Thanks for this soup.
Anonymous said…
I made this tonight, which just happened to be the coldest day in Virginia in 20 years! I added a can of tomato paste and a few random herbs...delish!!
Ash said…
awesome! I'm so glad you liked it!
Unknown said…
Made this for lunch today. One of the cans of tomato that I used had green chiles and I also added a few other herbs and some green beans. It was delicious!
Ash said…
Nice!! So glad you liked it! Its such a great simple soup to add your own twists.
Anonymous said…
In the picture what is the white stuff that looks like noodles?
Ash said…
The white things are a hand rolled pasta. Can't remember the name though.
Anonymous said…
made this today, eating it right now. it's one of the best soups i tasted, really awesome for autumn/winter, and it's going on my regular meal rotation for sure.
(i did add some sambal at the end, couldn't help it, i like my soups spicy :P )
Anonymous said…
This is my absolute favorite comfort food. I eat this whenever I'm sad, feeling sick, or when I just need a liquid hug. I've made it dozens of times. Its so simple, but I love it so much. Thank you <3
Annie B said…
Could this be made in the crockpot? Just add the pasta right before serving? Just curious if you think this would work- would help a working mom out!
Ash said…
Hi Annie B,

Yes, this could totally be made in a crockpot and like you said just add the pasta to cook before serving!
:) Ash
Jaime said…
I have had this recipe pinned for a long time. Finally tried it as part of my 30 Before 30 project, to cook 300 Pinterest recipes in a year and a half. So glad you posted the recipe, it was yummy!

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