gift givers no. 3

   Don't you just love these little drink mixes in cute little bottles? Whether your having a christmas get together where the guests get to pick there own mix (kinda fun don't ya think). Or just want to give a little something to a friend or co-worker, or maybe just a simple stocking stuffer, either goes.

    I bought these in a package and I already had in my mind I would take them apart and give them away separately.  So then I opened the package and realized no one would know what flavors there were.  Ah oh, these little mixers had no labels.  Of course then I made my own extremely simple ones with the mix on the back and a little drawing on the front to let my gift receivers know they were either getting a martini or a margarita mix.

  Also, for some strange reason... I can't get the Mr. Gadget theme song out of my head!

Have a great weekend all! I'll be spending mine either by the stove baking a crazy amount of treats or under the covers watching old  movies, trying to keep warm. 


El said…
Adorable... they look beautiful!
Kitchen Butterfly said…
Love your keeping warm options, especially as they are diametrically opposed...thankfully, this gal has options. Love the bottles too, XX from Copenhagen
Anonymous said…
Too cute!
Chef Chuck said…
Cute, fun and colorful! I like the tops!
Cate O'Malley said…
Love the bright colors - perfect for the holidays!
apparentlyjessy said…
I love all the bright colours! I have been watching more Bewitched and I Dream of Jeannie...I am addicted!
apparentlyjessy said…
Oh and by the way, I have the dec. copy of Donna Hay magazine now, and found a recipe for gingerbread in there so I will give that one a go! Fingers crossed!
Danelle said…
wow thats such a great idea! <3
Lucy said…
These are adorable and beautiful gifts. I'm sure envying your wonderful ideas and gift presentation right now!

Where can one buy these? happy Holidays and stay warm!

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