salted brownie truffles and merry christmas

Just a quite post to wish you all a festive day tomorrow and for you to take a peek at those salted brownie truffles I promised I'd post! You'll just have to wait for the recipe though, but I will tell you that these babies may look like a hard one... but oh no, they are quite easy peasy.

    I still haven't quite finished all my baking. I've got one more cake to go. I think I'm gonna try Martha's peppermint yule log for my family's Christmas dinner tomorrow and I'm doing little cornish hens for tonight's!

Also I must tell you, I'm addicted to polyvore. I cannot stop making outfits! I couldn't help but share!
Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays all!


Emily said…
Gorgeous festive pics! Can't wait for the recipe - you've already convinced me I need to make these. Happy Christmas!
Valerie Gamine said…
Lovely pictures as usual.

Cornish hens, How wonderful! Have a beautiful feast and I hope you get to sit down and enjoy the fruits of your labor.

Happy Holidays! :)
Risa said…
Merry Christmas! (loving those cardigans btw!) and drooling in anticipation of those brownie truffles!
Chef Chuck said…
Looks divine!! Merry Christmas Ash!
Anonymous said…
Merry Christmas!
Jennifer said…
I hope you had a wonderful Christmas. Beautiful photos, as always! Those salted brownie truffles look spectacular!!! :)
Julia @Mélanger said…
Great photos. I love the one at the bottom left. How did you do that?
El said…
Photos are beautiful. I need the truffle recipe's too tempting! Happy New Year to you!
Those truffles are making me so hungry! I love the photo of the little gold trees!

Wishing you a fantastic 2010!

ps: you have introduced me to the wonder of polyvore and now I am never going to get anything productive done! :)
The Purple Foodie said…
Happy to have chance dupon your blog - your photos are stunning. Love them all! Wish you a fab year ahead.
Mireya said…
Beautiful pics! How did the yule peppermint log go?
Ash said…
The Yule log turned out fantastic! Kinda tasted like mint chocolate chip icecream... yum!
Geisslein said…
Polyvore is so great - it is like shopping without spending money ;o)
S said…
salted brownie truffles sound and look gorgeous. i am happy to have stumbled upon your blog, so many wonderful ones like yours out there, wish there was more time in the week to go through them all. i look forward to visiting your blog again. best wishes, shayma
Geisslein said…
Oh I LOVE Polyvore - it´s like shopping without spending money, isn´t it?! ;o)
Nice blog you have...Hope you will have a lovely weekend!

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