25 c jars

   Can you believe I found these puppies for 25 cents each!  I love old jars especially the ones with the glass tops. There is countless things to do with them, like storing small wonders or using them in part of an organizing fit you just pushed yourself into or even storing dry goods.  But I thought, since I had quite a few of these (of course I had to buy the whole box) and well with christmas coming, I was thinking of making some very cool christmas gifts.  Apart from making some sort of jam or preserve which I don't think would work to well in these old jars any how...

     So this is where I ask you guys, what would be a cool jarred Christmas gift?   I was thinking something like even a small  spa kit?


Chef Chuck said…
I agree glass jars are great, you can see what you are storing in them! I think a cool gift in jars could be some dried seasonal herbs.Or even some good sea salts.Don't forget to add a label of interest!! Enjoy:)
Anonymous said…
Hmmm - lollies (candy) for kids would be cool. I like the spa kit idea. If you have any crafty friends you could also put buttons, ribbons, fabric, etc. Oh and you could also make little 'make it yourself' baking jars - just add the dry ingredients for something like choc chip cookies and then put directions on the jar to tell them what to add and how long to bake.

What a great find!
Lucy said…
They are cute jars - its a lovely idea to give out presents in them! Hmm, well the greedy guts I am would probably say it would be festive to give out sweet treats in them - honeycomb, christmas cookies or fudge for instance! ;)
I think nuts would look really smart or oatmeal with a recipe card attached for cookies. Cornmeal. Things you might find in Laura Ingalls Wilder's pantry. :)
Kitchen Butterfly said…
Lovely,lovely jars. What a bargain....shhh don't let my husband hear me and by bargain talk. He espouses focusing on the item of delight where I extol the virtues of getting it cheap.

I'm thinking potpourri, scented sea salt, sand ...and stones/spices (and poems to go) all festooned with ribbons and nice labels to match. Truly love the jars
Julia @Mélanger said…
Oh my. 25c each? Are you kidding. I couldn't part with these at all. I would fill them with pins, and ribbon, and buttons and all sorts of little bric'n brack!
Amanda said…
Awesome find. I love your necklaces on Etsy, so perhaps you could tangle a necklace up on a leafy branch or some fabric or paper and create a little modern diorama thing.
Ash said…
These are awesome idea's guys.... hmmm which shall I choose? Or maybe them all? ...perhaps.

Oh.. I shall post pics of the creation!
El said…
Great jars. I think I'd fill them with flavored sugars and adorn the tops with fabrics and beautiful tags.
Something's Dishy said…
That looks so useful. I'm always looking for perfect jars!
apparentlyjessy said…
The jars really are an awesome find! I would be tempted to try doing Bakerella's cookie mix in a jar in them... or a hot chocolate kit or something! I just bought a book called Christmas gifts for the kitchen, I will get back to you if I find any other ideas in there!
Thank you so much for the well wishes for Mum, you are such a sweet blog friend :)
Anonymous said…
I never seen jars like this before with glass tops. They are very pretty though, and an absolute steal at 25cents each. I collect pretty jars too. I like putting spices in them. Often the spices come in jars that are too tiny to dip a measuring spoon into it, and I find that kind of annoying.
Lauren said…
I love these bath fizzies from Martha Stewart Crafts. They're easy to make too!

Ash said…
I totally tried making her bath bombs..unfortunately I added a little to much water and the reacted... but I will try again!! Thanks!
Alice said…
I love glass jars. I use them to store anything which is possibly storable, from beans to dried herbs and spices. If they're new enough, I also use them for jams and marmalade. Sometimes they turn to be useful to carry food around too :)
Cherie said…
Where did you buy your jars, Ash? I've been looking all over for these!

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