gingerbread snowflakes and ribbon

Hi guys, just doing a quick post before I head into work. Yes, I know... work on a sunday... gross.
Anyhow every year our work raises funds to help a local family in need over the holidays. So last night I decided to do a batch of gingerbread snowflakes on ribbon to sell. Wether they will want to eat them or hang them on a tree or perhaps both... just not in that order, of course. I hope they will enjoy them!

Don't tell anyone but I've been slacking on my presents... I do have my gift jars, but then I have everything else! I did buy some lovely ribbon to decorate with, as you can see, and I can't wait to use it!

Have a happy Sunday!


Kelsey said…
What a sweet, thoughtful gift! I love this idea. I think I will have to add a few to my tree this year.
Lucy said…
I love your pretty ribbons - I always think they make presents that bit extra special! Gingerbread looks delicious - I'd definitely go for the eating option :)
Emily said…
So I see you're getting busy with the Christmas baking already. These look amazing - great job!
apparentlyjessy said…
Ash, may I ask for your recipe for gingerbread? I am searching for a recipe I am happy with, the batches I made last year were either too hard or too soft! Yours look so nice I would really like to give it a try!
I am the same, in that I buy my wrapping paper and ribbon before I buy the presents!! lol!
Total bummer you have to work on a Sunday, but I think its awesome you all raise money for people in need, that's great!
Chef Chuck said…
Hey Ash! That is so nice to help families in need! Great for the tree if they make it before eating them! The snowflake shape is really cool! chuck
Anonymous said…
I love the snowflake ornaments - a very good idea.

And now I want a ribbon collection :P
What adorable ribbons! I have to work a lot of Sundays this winter/spring as well. At least yours is for a good cause. Happy holidays!
El said…
Great idea. They look beautiful!
Valerie Gamine said…
Those ribbons are lovely! And there are few things which can comfort the soul like gingerbread cookies.
How To Eat A Cupcake said…
Very neat idea! I love gingerbread!

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