just in time for valentines...

Weather you have a special someone or not there's no reason not to indulge a little on valentines and break out the homemade side of yourself with some baking and possibly a little art and crafts. Who wouldn't love a little handmade gift?

The cupcakes are a simple vanilla cupcake recipe with vanilla buttercream icing then dipped in a bowl of coconut, easy peasy. I made the little flags out of bamboo skewers and cardstock cut into little flags and the 'I love you' banner is a wee smaller version of this.

Hope your all having an amazing weekend and I'll be wishing you all the loveiest of valentines.


Patricia Scarpin said…
Beautiful, Ash! I love the little flags, they are so adorable! I'm saving this idea for my sister's birthday - I am sure she's gonna love it!
peachkins said…
so cute!
Happy Valentine's Day!
Kristen said…
These are so sweet. Love that picture!
A Bowl Of Mush said…
These look so beautiful :)
apparentlyjessy said…
Happy Walentines day! These cupcakes are so cute. I adore the flags, they look fantastic!
Charisse said…
OMG! I think I'm in love with these cutie patootie flags!
Tash said…
Super cute flags and banner, and those cupcakes look delicious! Beautiful photography as always Ash.
Natasha xo
Lucy said…
These cupcakes are so cute - love the flags!
Sips and Spoonfuls said…
I love this picture. May I ask what the brownish background is? Probably just a brown wall but still!
Ash said…
Lick My Spoon: Thanks! It's actually just a large brown piece of craft paper.
Sara&Eva said…
I love this muffins!!!!!!
Chef Chuck said…
Sweet Vanilla.... Love those extended flags!!
Lisa said…
I love your foodie photos and the styling is fab:) Lisa
SkyBlueSeed said…
I absolutely love those little flags - just threw a party for my daughter and decorated her cupcakes like this b/c of your blog! Love your eye for design!
Penny said…
I spotted this photo and knew that I HAD to share it with my readers. Your sense of styling is fabulous and these cupcakes are so so pretty. I included this sweet Valentine's day idea on my blog today, I hope you don't mind! Thank you for sharing. :)
Unknown said…
Hi! Thank you for sharing this! I loved it and just wanted you to know I shared with my readers today:


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