100th post, cupcakes and a giveaway!

First of all I wish I could make these photo's bigger! I've played around with it, but I just can't seem to get it to work. Any suggestions?

I went a little cupcake crazy this weekend. When you have a craving, you sometimes always must obey and vanilla cupcakes were calling my name. It has to be the sweet icing, crumbly cake... there's no resisting and who can pass up a cute little cupcake? Not me.

Since this is my 100th post, I couldn't do it with out doing a little something special for all you readers. So I present my very first giveaway! Let's get this started.... leave a comment and pick a number between 1 and 100 and tell me something funny about yourself to win this cute little three pack of vintage fabric button earrings from my shop.

Cupcake Recipe
Vanilla Icing
6 tbsp unsalted butter (rm tempt)
2 cups confectionary sugar (sifted)
2 tbsp milk
1 tbsp pure vanilla extract (or butter-vanilla emulsion. This stuff is thicker and white as to not colour the white icing and smells and tastes amazing!) looks like this.
Find the cake recipe here.

PS. I will post the winner in the next week. Good luck!


If you post your photos directly from flickr you can make them bigger! You might have to widen your blogger columns, it's easy though, just follow these instructions http://johndeeremom.blogspot.com/2008/07/how-to-widen-your-columns-on-blogger.html

I hope that helps!
Hurrah, cute earrings!! And cute cupcakes!!

My number will be 44, and my "something about myself," is that I've only just begun to enjoy olives. Don't know what changed, but I love them now, whereas before I couldn't stand them!
Kate said…
Those cupcakes look YUMMY! My number is 21 and something funny about me...For a summer job about 4 years ago, I spent 4 months guarding rocks in a National Park. Talk about boring!
Risa said…
My number would be 13. My funny thing (don't tell anyone) is that I'm a closet rap music fan.
Anonymous said…
Earrings look as tasty as the cupcakes :) I think my number will be 30...as that magic number is getting closer and closer...funny thing about me..hmmm, bit weird but funny - I'm both handed, so I can switch from one hand to other..cleaning, sweeping even doing make-up, I just swap to the hand which is closer. Definately weird ;)
Cathie said…
congratulations on 100, cute cupcakes & of course earings!!
number 23 & funny..I don't eat anything I bake..that's probably just weird :)
I am always hooked on cupcakes. At present I am baking them once a week! They don't last long either. Pretty pictures here. Thanks for dropping by Beach Vintage and CONGRATS on your 100th post.
Asha @ FSK said…
Congratulations on the 100th!! and may you write may more delicious posts!! :))

number 1, coz my birth date :D
funny - I am a dork! isn't that funny by itself?!

Pic size: if you are uploading thru blogger, search of the phrase "/s320" and make it "/s800"
Chef Chuck said…
Hi Ash, These cupcakes look so light and I love your photos! The addition of the red cherry's sets the mood! When I enlarge my photos, I just click on them and pull from the corner.
I will pick #66, I think I will look great in those earring!! Chuck :)
Valerie Gamine said…
Cupcakes always make me smile just be looking at them. And I love that wooden table too! :) As for the pictures, I am not sure how to make them larger.

#79. And for as much as I like Edward, I was always more partial to Jasper. :>
Ash said…
haha, I'm having so much fun readying all your guys fun answers!

Thanks for all the photo sizing help, I'm gonna get on that!
Emily said…
I've often asked myself the same question about the picture size so hopefully, I can learn too. Congrats on the 100th post and on these amazing cupcakes. My number would be 33 and the funny thing about myself is that I'm always buying evening dresses but never have anything practical to wear to work. I've just had my ears pierced actually, so the earrings would be just perfect. Have a great weekend!
Amanda said…
Adorable earrings! I thought they were just buttons at first. Perfect.

#62 : I keep my baking a secret from my students and most colleagues because I don't want to come across as domestic. I've been told that's funny...
The cupcakes are looking so deliciously beautiful, very mouth watering.
Aw! The cherries and the color of these cupcakes are delightful and it’s making me so hungry.
ChichaJo said…
Congratulations on your 100th post! Lovely looking cupcakes :)

I pick 11 and I'm funny in that I can't have things pointed at me or I got nuts...not even a straw from across the table!
Congrats on the 100th post!

In order to get my pictures bigger, I upload everything to www.photobucket.com on the largest size setting and then use their html links to include photos in my posts. Let me know if that helps!

My favorite number is 4 and something funny about me is that I hate feet. It's a serious phobia. I can't have someone else's feet anywhere near me. It's bad news :)
Coco Cake Land said…
hi ash! thanks for visiting my blog... your blog is super cute and i love your photography... gorgeous. i was going to offer the suggestion of linking directly from flickr as well-- your photos are definitely enlarge-worthy!!!

my fave number is 88-- it's super good luck in chinese. your vintage button earrings are lovely!!

a funny thing about myself: i make and bake everything from scratch yet i still LOVE prepackaged rice krispie squares, and currently i am rummaging my house to see where my husband hid them from me. i asked him to hide them. but now i want to find them.. haha...
A home far away said…
Wow that looks yummie!

Have a great day!
Hugs Gunilla in Singapore
My number is 26 - .....I'm CRAZY about props but my photos.....I sometimes go to ehmmm, shameless lengths to acquire the fore-mentioned props!!!
Dewi said…
Very pretty cupcakes.
My Owl Barn said…
Lovely pictures! You could upload the original sized images on Flickr and then post them on your blog. Also, congratulations on your 100th post :)
theUngourmet said…
Happy 100!! I love your cupcakes with the wonderful pop of colorful cherries on top! Great pics!!
Anonymous said…
Congrats on your 100th post! These cupcakes look amazing! Got one for me?
*kisses* HH
Juliana said…
100th post! Congratulations! The cup cakes look so cute...yummie!
Mrs. Stoyko said…
Love the cupcake liners!
Stephanie said…
congrats on 100!!! SO exciting! I'm going to go with #9! My birthday is the ninth and this year, I'm getting married on the ninth anniversary of when I started dating my fiance. :)

I LOVE those liners - just add the perfect touch to those already adorable cupcakes!
Mr. P said…
I love these photos! Ash, you're amazing. I just found you through the comment you left on my blog. Thanks for stopping by! I'm gonna hit you up for photography tips! :)

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