summer lovin'

summer lovin

1. Day trip, 2. the fine art of slowing down, 3. Before we begin, 4. Station #1, 5. wildflowers, 6. seedlings, 7. Untitled, 8. Untitled

There is so much to love about summer! I decided to show you what things I love most about the upcoming summer though my flickr favs from other photographers. I know these images just scream all that is 'summer goodness'. Don't ya think?
From picnics to fresh fruit, from swimming to sandy beaches, from wild flowers to growing things and to fun and sometimes random adventures with friends, plus, it's warm out!

What do you all love most about summer?

Have a wonderful weekend!


Anonymous said…
Wonderful post, wonderful pictures. I am looking so forward to summer. I love the days being long, sitting on the terrasse with a cool drink and just relax with friends. It's so simple, but the best thing!
i love summer dresses... they are the best!
il ramaiolo said…
Dearest in Italy is now starting in the spring, yesterday for the first time I wore shoes without socks!
Oto that your beautiful! As always!
See you soon! Ciao
Emily said…
I have to say I also love summer dresses. But the long evenings, cool drinks, salads and ice cream are pretty great too. These photos are amazing - thanks for sharing.
Lucy said…
Your summery photos are so happy and bright! I do love switching into summer dresses, and picnics in the park will never grow boring :)
Hilary said…
Yay for summer! My favourite thing about summer is sundresses.
Anonymous said…
Great selection of pictures.
I love summer. Living in the UK you really learn how to appreciate good weather. Theres only one downer to summer for me... mowing the lawn.
*kisses* HH
Chef Chuck said…
So Nice~~ That sweet sweet "Summer"
Your right summer is always free and fun :)
And these photo's set the mood!
El said…
Beautiful photos! What do I love? Freedom of movement...not being bogged down by hats, scarfs and boots. Warm sea air. Flowers. And most of all...fresh food!
OM gosh! What a beautiful summer-lovin' post! And I needed that as there is snow everywhere here - the first time in May since 1979. The grass was green. The flowers we blooming. The air was sweet and warm. Then this. It is hard to keep the joy in my heart. You have helped, today!
Your pictures are beautiful! Love your blog!
Just checking back....

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