Spring ready.

flickr fav's april 1st

Beautiful days are ahead and I couldn't be more excited. Thought I'd share some of my favorite things about spring via my flickr fav's.

What are all you fine people planning this Easter weekend? Parties, family, food?



Beautiful collage of spring pics. Its coming into Autumn (Fall) here in the southern hemisphere, I wish it were spring.
apparentlyjessy said…
Happy Easter Ash! Hope you have a lovely leisurely long weekend!
Jennifer said…
Lovely Spring images! Happy Easter!
Kristen said…
Your favorites have now become my favorites! This is great. I especially love #8. How cool of an ideas is that?
Cathie said…
gorgeous pics Ash.
it's autumn here & loving it.
enjoy your easter weekend
El said…
Gorgeous collage. We were planning a big fancy dinner but just learned that it's supposed to be 73 degrees tomorrow. We don't want to waste it so we might have a picnic instead! Happy Easter!!!
il ramaiolo said…
but how many good pictures! Can seems to amaze me! See you soon a kiss F
Deana Sidney said…
You are so good at these photos... great to see the leaning cupboard of kitchen... made me laugh. Happy SPring!!!
Ash said…
El: I love the idea of an easter picnic!! That's so fun an well so spring!!

Kristen: I know! I think I totally need to copy those bucket potted herbs. It's fantastic!!
Valerie Gamine said…
Lovely...I <3 Spring. :)
Emily said…
Stunning photos which make me long for spring as it hasn't completely arrived here yet. I'm off to London for 4 days and hope to enjoy long walks in the park and see the lovely flowers. Happy Easter!
kellypea said…
May I just please live in your photos? I love the idea of painted coffee cans sprouting nasturtiums and other happy flowers. Lovely!
Anonymous said…
What a great selection of pictures. It makes me want to go shopping at a market and then have a picnic :D
*kisses* HH
Anonymous said…
Beautiful photography Ashley, I love your site!
This year os flying by like mad. I'm loving Spring's blossoms......beautiful piccies too

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