daring bakers dobos torta

   Wow, another month gone by and another daring baker's challenge down. I'm down to the wire again considering I just finished this cake only hours ago but this Dobos torta did turn out to be one super sweet layered up piece of chocolatly goodness. Chocolate buttercream layered under six layers of sponge cake wrapped in hazelnuts and topped with caramel, mmm...

yeah... and I burnt my caramel a little... still good, still good!

 The August 2009 Daring Bakers' challenge was hosted by Angela of A Spoonful of Sugar and Lorraine of Not Quite Nigella. They chose the spectacular Dobos Torte based on a recipe from Rick Rodgers' cookbook Kaffeehaus:  Exquisite Desserts from the Classic Caffés of Vienna, Budapest, and Prague.

Find the recipe here.


Amanda said…
In the craziness of moving, I hadn't even gotten around to finding out what the challenge was, much less completing it! It's too bad too, because this torte looks right up my alley. :(
apparentlyjessy said…
Wow, that cake looks stunning, its seriously making me very hungry right now!
Meeta K. Wolff said…
it looks spectacular. i did not burn the caramel but my fingers on the caramel!
Lucy said…
Gosh Ash this cake is exquisite! The pictures are just marvellous and I bet this cake tasted SO very good - you should be reallly proud :)
Cherie said…
I've seen some of the other Daring Bakers' creations and yours is one of the few that look like the real thing! Georgeous. If you ever want to buy a Dobos Torta, Amadeus in Thornhill makes the best one I've ever had. You have to order it on advance, it's extremely popular:)
gine said…
ooooooooh ... that looks so good ^^ ... yummy!

have a fun weekend ^^! XOXO
Chef Chuck said…
Ash, You are killing me, this cake appears very attractive to me!! Yumm.... Love your photo's!
Julia @ Mélanger said…
Beautiful. Even if you overcooked the caramel (mine was UNDER cooked) it looks amazing. Love the use of it on top!
Dewi said…
Beautifully done Ash! Caramel topping look wonderful!
Anonymous said…
It looks amazing!
Rose said…
wowww you made that? Ive never seen a cake with so many layers, it looks fabulous.

Rosa's Yummy Yums said…
What a beautiful torte! Nice decorations!


Beautiful torte, and I'm sure it was delicious!
Delicious Dishings said…
Your cake looks gorgeous! I love the way you did the caramel on top!

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