a blondie moment

   *Caution extreme goodness coming your way.*  I made these one board evening after sorting threw my abundance of magazines (attempting to purge was necessary...they were getting quite high), and ripping out only the good stuff to save, I came across these butterscotch bars (also known as a blondie).  Wanting to bake something different and wanting to bake something for my Grams, she deserves a treat every once in while, knowing she loves all things butterscotch... I  knew she would like these.  Apparently  so did a few of my co-workers. A friend of one of them, who was lucky enough to get a taste, and I quote "would give up men if this came in a 9 by 13 pan"... so now I knew they were good!

1 cup unsalted butter
4 cups brown sugar (I'm thinking a lot of sugar? I used less and they turned out just fine)
4 eggs
4 tbps vanilla extract
2 cups all-purpose flour
4 tsp salt
1 cup chopped walnuts (any other chopped nut will work too)
1 cup unsweetened, shredded coconut
I also added about 1 cup butterscotch chips (optional)

1.Preheat oven to 375 F.
2.Line an 11 x 17 inch sheet pan with parchment paper.
3.In a electric mixture, cream butter and sugar. Add eggs one by one and then the vanilla.
4.Sift together dry ingredients and add to butter mixture until combined. Add nuts and coconut (butterscotch chips).
5.Spread batter out in pan evenly. Bake for 15 min, rotate pan 180d, then bake for another 15. Do not over bake!
6.Cool and cute into bars (I baked mine in a cake pan. Don't. It was more like a cake then a bar and was harder to cut)


Anonymous said…
when you crave a photo, you know it's something great!


apparentlyjessy said…
Yum! I have only recently learned about blondies and am yet to try them, must remember to, cause these look delicious!
Jennifer said…
Your photos are STUNNING!
Delicious Dishings said…
I am so on the hunt for the perfect blondie recipe... adding this one to the list to try!
ChichaJo said…
Sounds so yummy! Can't wait to try my hand at this...by how much did you lessen the sugar? :)

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