coconut oat bars and sandcastles

  Yet another attempt at bar baking guys. I guess this is more of a healthy granola snack more than anything considering it contains flax, coconut and oats.  I was going to go the chocolate route and add some bits of dark cocoa goodness but I opted out. I decided that coconut and oats was all I needed. Who says I can't make another batch with chocolate?  No one.
I made some changes but I got the recipe from here.

 This weekend I ventured down to the CNE (Canadian National Exhibition) and saw some pretty cool things I think I should share.  Did you ever make sand castles when you were a kid? I bet they never looked anything like this:

These are some pretty awesome sand carvers!


Lucy said…
Your coconut bars look so delicious and would definitely feel healthy enough to let myself have a good couple! I love these sand sculptures - how cool would it be if that could be a permanent job? :)
gine said…
coconut :-) !!!! XX
Valerie Gamine said…
I was going to say exactly what Gine said! Coconut and oats are so delicious together and these bars look healthy too!

It's amazing what people can create with sand. I love the first picture with the woman's face rising out of the flames.
apparentlyjessy said…
Mmm I like coconut! I like that they are 'healthy' treats too!
LOVE the sandcastle sculptures, I bet they require loads of patience!
claire said…
These sandcastles are out of this world!
Julia @ Mélanger said…
Coconuts and oats? Perfect. I would have to keep a bunch of these hidden away at work for snacks! :)
Hannah said…
I was just starting to think about making granola bars, wondering what to put in them... And man, does coconut sound like the perfect addition! Thanks for the inspiration. :)
Rhiannon Bosse said…
I was there too at the CNE!! I am from Burlington and ventured down there Friday on the Go Train :) Good times and did you see the man balancing the rocks?? YIKES!!

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