red velvet cupcakes and Canada day!

Could this red and white dessert be any sweeter for Canada day? I think not.



Any reason to bake up some red velvet is a good reason to me :)
Cathie said…
happy day to you!
beautifully done as always Ash
Cherie said…
My favourite cupcake ever!
Lucy said…
This post reminds me how I still need to try making red velvet! These look so perfect :)
Jennifer Young said…
i have a major crush on your blog!!!
freerangegirl said…
Happy Canada Day to you!!! I baked my first red velvet cake today and its lush (Its not as red as it should be - more colouring needed next time!) Love your blog, the photography is stunning!
Bianca said…
Happy Canaday to you! Our countries founding fathers would be roud to eat something as delicious as Red Velvet Cupcakes. I am FOR SURE making these next year!

Great post!
Ali said…
Really great picture. I love the crumbles as an accent.
apparentlyjessy said…
I remember when studying flags in primary school, the Canadian one was one of my favourites!
Sorry, I have been AWOL, have finally got an internet connection and am back in blogland!

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