best bits of summer (in pictures)

Ice cold drinks, sandy beach adventures, fresh market picks, glorious pink/orange sunsets, sitting in the grass getting lost in a book, picking wild flowers and cooling off with none other then an a much needed ice cream treat... there's nothing better.

have a fab weekend all!


Coco said…
all lovely things! happy summer to you! I love the pic of the bottle tops :)
apparentlyjessy said…
I am a winter loving girl, but as I sit here watching gale of wind blowing the gum trees outside my window around like crazy, your summer photos are making wish it was a lot warmer here!
I love each of these photos for different reasons, your photography really is inspiring and amazing, and I do not think I will ever tire of your photos!
Hope you have a fabulous weekend too!
Chef Chuck said…
Your perspective is right on!!
That mint chip ice cream looks inviting :)
Valerie Gamine said…
Lovely post and beautiful pictures! If only summer could last a little bit longer.
shanna said…
I just had to say that top picture? LOVE IT. I think it should be blown up into a huge canvas and hung somewhere on display. It's fantastic.
abby try again said…
beautiful photos of some of the best things in life :)
happy weekend to you!
Elk said…
Ah nice it might be winter in my part of the world but its nice to know what I'll be getting into soon enough... I want those cherries...
my spatula said…
beautifully summer! love them all.
kelly said…
A perfect summer line up. Haven't seen bachelor's buttons in years. So lovely!
Heidi Leon Monges said…
hey, I just discovered your blog today via foodgawker. I'm happy I did.

These bits of summer are lovely. I adore pic #1.

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