No baked goods... again.

Just bring you a few random photo's I've taken recently to satisfy the baking lull that's been going on on this blog lately. By golly I just haven't baked much in the last little bit. I miss it. I think an excuse of the never ending heat is to blame. I hope to post something super yummy very soon. So for now, I leave you with a few photo's and hope you are all having a super summer!
(Don't you just love my new chalk board wall?)



apparentlyjessy said…
That's ok Ash! I like your non baked goods photos just as much as your baked good ones ;)
Chef Chuck said…
It must be the heat of the summer slowing everybody down!
But I still get to enjoy your "Photo's Eye"
El said…
Great photos. Love the chalkboard!
Cherie said…
Lovely! Where did you get the magazine holder??
Unknown said…
Great pics and great blog!

I'm also into the food blog world, and it would be great if you can take a look at my site and leave me any comment/suggestion.

Take care and keep posting!
Bianca said…
I adore the chalkboard wall; I have been dying to fashion one for my office. Yours looks awesome!
apples with honey said…
Oh My!
I just found your lovely blog and photos and love it all even more whe I find out you are Canadian!
Where do you live if you don't mind my being nosey ;)
Everything is just so fresh and inspiring!
HAve added you to my ever-growing list of faves and will be back!
apples with honey said…
RCY: Thanks...and hello fellow Ontarian! We live in Lindsay about 2 hours from Toronto :)
I like it when the world is small.
apples with honey said…
Ha! I just tried posting another comment, but don't think it worked...forgive me if you're seeing double ;)
Hello fellow Ontarian! We live in Lindsay, about 2 hours away from Toronto.
I like it when the world is small ;)
Kitchen Butterfly said…
Love the second photo the most...and the third: I love the Saltine crackers tin!
Miles Of Style said…
great pics and wonderful photography!

just stumbled upon your blog and i have to say its LOVELY! do drop by mine too when you have some time. perhaps we can follow each other.=)

have a lovely day!

Apples and Butter said…
I am always happy to look at your beautiful it food or not!
Paris Pastry said…
A chalk board wall? Amazing! I don't blame for not baking; with hot weather all I do is sit in front of a fan.
Ash said…
Cheri: I got the magazine holder from Ikea.

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