

A cookie made with Nutella? I was like hell ya. If you're like me and LOVE nutella then this might be the cookie for you. This cookie tends to lean in on a healthier scale, think more along the lines of granola, which we all know is one seriously pretty good thing... well maybe minus the butter but you can't disagree with oats, flaxseed, hazelnuts and the glory ingredient nutella now can we?

I've been bringing these to work the past couple of days for a somewhat healthy snack. There not very sweet but I love the nutty flavor and I find myself eating two at a time, of course.


1/2 cup melted butter
2/3 cup nutella or hazelnut spread
2 cups rolled oats
2/3 cups chopped roasted hazelnuts
1/2 tsp baking powder
1/4 cup whole ground flaxseed
1/2 cup flour
1 egg

Preheat oven to 400 F and grease a baking sheet.
Place butter and nutella in a sauce pan and heat gently until just melted, cool slightly and beat in the egg. Meanwhile place all dry ingredients in a bowl and mix to combine. Pour the nutella, butter and egg mixture over the oats and stir to combine. With your hands shape the mixture into 16-18 equal size balls, then press them on to the baking sheet. Bake for 10-12 minutes.

Have a great weekend all!


Irene said…
Oh, I love the second to last photo. It's just perfect. And um NUTELLA! You had me at hello.
Maggie May said…
Oh my goodness I know someone who would LOVE this! Thanks :)
Anonymous said…
These look absolutely delicious. I love the ingredients you used.
*kisses* HH
El said…
Looks amazing and how can you go wrong with nutella. Gorgeous photos too!
Emily said…
These are absolutely amazing, just like your pictures which are stunning as always. I love Nutella and the idea of a healthier snack sounds good.
Megan Gordon said…
Never baked with Nutella--not sure why as it is, definitively, one of my favorite foods. Can we call it that? These look absolutely wonderful. Will definitely be trying them this upcoming weekend!
shanna said…
wow. hell ya is right.
Chef Chuck said…
Sounds like Nutella Heaven !!
And healthy at that~~
Any recipe description that includes the words nutella and healthy is about a recipe that I am going to have to try. Love your photography always.
I want to make these but since I'm the only one that I know that likes hazelnut I'd just end up eating them all by myself... ummmm not a good idea since bikini season is soon approaching :)
shayma said…
i love nutella, so naturally, adored your post! beautiful, beautiful photos- it sounds like a lovely treat for the office- much better than my Kashi crackers.
mommyholly said…
yum, yum, YUM!!! I printed out this recipe and MUST try it this week! Your blog is gorgeous, by the way!
xoxox Holly
must make this.
Em said…
I made these with half Nutella and half peanut butter and substituted roasted almonds for the hazelnuts. They turned out great! Thanks for the recipe.

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