sweets, treats and red things


Just a quick little post, but one that's jam packed with goodness. I've been so so busy these past few days baking these (look below) yes all those cookies, that I haven't had time to post anything. So since Valentines is coming very soon I thought I'd post a little inspiration for some of your valentines baking needs.

1. cake truffles. 2. classic sugar cookies with royal icing. 3. Flickr fun (part of my 365). 4. Lolli pop brownies (use a round cutter and pop a stick on the end and vola) and chocolate pots de cream. 5. Conversation heart cookies and icing hearts.

P.S. I'm trying the 'bigger picture' thing.... hope it works!


Ash said…
yeah! I got the bigger picture to work!! It took a few tries but woo hoo! fun time now...
Bob said…
Mmmm, sweets. Great pictures!
Risa said…
Love it, all of it!
Lucy said…
Crikey your cookies are amazing - you made hundreds! They look fantastic, but my favourite idea is the brownie lollipop. Now that is pure genius :)
Cherie said…
Oh, my! What a site for sore eyes! Can I be your Valentine:)?
Amanda said…
You really have been cookie-ing, haven't you? (I'm still jealous.)

But my goodness, they look perfect!
ChichaJo said…
What lovely Valentines treats you've prepared! Brownie lollys...mmm! Love the photos and all the hearts :)
El said…
I knew you'd make something delicious and beautiful for Valentine's Day. Thanks for the inspiration!
Jennifer said…
Beautiful goodies!!
Ivana said…
Officially craving everything on this post. So, so, so lovely!
Mrs. Stoyko said…
Amazing cookies! I have sugar cookie dough resting on the countertop at the moment, the leftovers from the other day's pre-Valentine's cupcake-cookie delight... I have a valentines project on the way as well, although not quite to the same scale as you! You're a machine! The photography rocks!
steph- whisk/spoon said…
oh my--you have been sooo busy!! i love it all, esp the conversation hearts! happy valentine's day!
Chef Chuck said…
Hi Ash, I love your photo's!! Sounds like a lot of baking going on, all the cookies,especially the brownies, the variety of hearts are really cool! From my heart, take care, Chuck
apparentlyjessy said…
Wow, that is a lot of heart cookies! What were they for? I love the plaid ones!
Unknown said…
Stumbled on your blog today... yummy! and great photos!

Kim @ http://frostmeblog.blogspot.com
Valerie Gamine said…
This has to be one of your best posts yet! Wow, those cookies are gorgeous!!
Cathie said…
looks gorgeous Ash!
lovely cookies, so many hearts..awww so wonderful!
hope you had a wonderful weekend
hugs lovely
Kitchen Butterfly said…
What a lovely offering......for love...
lala said…
hi! i love your cookies =) the hearts are so cute!!! i was wondering if these would be okay if i had to ship them overseas... they may take about 4-6 weeks.... how should i pack them? thank you so much!!!!

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