oatmeal chocolate orange cookies

Hey everyone, hope your all doing well? Works been a bit slow lately, but I'm not complaining cause I find it a bit boring. It has given me a chance to do a few things I've been meaning to catch up on... although I usually sit down just to do a quick e-mail check and it ends up turning into an hour.. sometimes more. It has come down to web surfing... I can't stop. There is just too many great blogs, sites, links from those sites and meaningless yet amusing other things to keep you hooked. Perhaps I should try limiting my computer usage time? Then I might be able to get more things done.

Enough of my rambling, lets get to these cookies! Flipping threw a old copy of Jamie Magazine, I fell upon these little jems, which he calls 'Any-way-you-like cookies'. All it really is a basic cookie dough recipe that you can add whatever flavors you fancy... like dark chocolate and orange perhaps?

basic cookie dough
115g unsalted butter, softened
100g unrefined organic cane sugar
1 large egg
100g plain flour, sifted
20g porridge oats
1/2 tsp baking powder
pinch of salt
dark chocolate & orange cookies
80g dark chocolate, chopped
zest of two oranges
vanilla coconut
60g shredded coconut
1 tsp vanilla extract

1. Place all the basic dough ingredients in a food processor and mix until smooth and creamy.
2. Add your chosen flavors to the mix and place in plastic wrap and roll into a 5cm-diameter sausage shape. Chill in the freezer for 20 min.
3. Preheat the oven to 350 F. Cut into 1cm slices onto a baking tin lined with parchment. Leave a good space between each - they'll spread out quite a bit while baking. Bake for 8-10 min or until edges get golden. These will been a thin crispy cookie.
makes 10-12 cookies


Bob said…
Uhm, yeah. Those look wicked good. Both kinds. And here I am trying to make fewer baked goods. Heh.
Debi said…
In case you need other ideas for too many oranges... http://lifecurrents.dw2.net/?p=606
I love your site. Beautiful.
El said…
These look delicious. I love the combination- especially the orange. Fantastic.
Amanda said…
mmm... dark chocolate and orange are great flavor partners :)
Cakebrain said…
Lovely pics! I think the cookies look marvelous. Nothing like putting anything you want in them!
Lucy said…
Oooh these look like real corkers of cookies! What a size! Making me feel verry hungry right now. I have tried limiting computer time but truth be told, it never works! There is far too much good stuff waiting for me to come across somehow :)
apparentlyjessy said…
I do tend to loose hours of my time once I start internet browsing, especially once I start searching vintage things on Flickr for some reason...
These cookies look great, but funnily enough for once my eyes werent drawn to the delicious food...my eyes were drawn to the gorgeous glass the milk is in! I love the retro design, is it from a set?
Hello! This is my first visit to your blog and I find it lovely.

I understand how you feel about web-surfing. I too get stuck, it's unbelievable!

I've never tried oatmeal cookies before. Maybe I'll give it a shot.

Cherie said…
I'm glad you're spending your free time so productively:) These cookies would get me out of a bad mood in no time!
Oatmeal cookies....with orange...yummy yummy and web surfing, Ash, I'm on this one with you!!!!!! I have a similar addiction....like I priomised myself I would be in bed by 10 and its....10.05, thinking of cookies!
How great is Jamie Oliver? I love his recipes. These look delicious!
ChichaJo said…
I know what you mean about the internet and losing track of time in it! siiigh...

This cookie recipe is perfect! You could make a ton of different cookies from it -- love your flavor combinations! :)
Anonymous said…
This flavor is just to die for. Fabulous!
*kisses* HH
Jennifer said…
I am with you on the online browsing. Sometimes hours go by and it's so much fun.

These cookies look very yummy. I want to munch them all up!

Stunning photos, as always.
Anonymous said…
These look incredibly...and what a unique combination of flavors. I don't think I've tried those three together before. I'll have to give it a whirl. Thanks for sharing.
Irene said…
Love the blue glass with milk and the crispy cookies, they look just wonderful.
Anonymous said…
My my they look amazing!!
Sook said…
Oh wow, these cookies look amazing! I'm curious how all these flavors would taste when they are all mixed together. Yum!
Chef Chuck said…
Nice cookies Ash! There is something about the sweetness of an orange blended with Chocolate! Plus more goodies within~~~
Dandy said…
Those look awesome, the pictures are gorgeous.

Don't even get me started on surfing the web.
SYD said…
The oatmeal chocolate looks delicious. Great with dark tea. My mom loves dark chocolate and orange. I will bake a batch for her.

Reading blogs, news, shop on the net is not only addicting but before you know it, you notice hours have passed. I feel you!
Chef Fresco said…
Just stumbled upon your blog - you've got some great posts & amazing pics!

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