drive by shooting

No, not that kind of shooting! Can I tell you how much I would have loved to get out of the car today and take some photo's, especially when I was out and about around here! Well this is Canada and Canada is well... friggin cold! This day in-particular was extremely cold, that dry, windy bitter cold.

So I stayed in the car and these are the photo's that formed.
I can't wait to share my next post. I've been busy in the kitchen this morning making rhubarb scones and clementine curd. You guys have not lived until you've tasted this curd, it is just utterly amazing!

Did everyone have a great holiday?

P.S. I decided to take part in project 365. Have any of you heard about it? A picture a day for a whole year... this is going to be interesting. You can find me with my photo's for project 365 here.


Chef Chuck said…
Love your photo landscape work, Ash! A photo a day is interesting, you photo buff!! Looking forward to your scones, clementine curd, sounds extraordinary!
Cherie said…
Happy New Year, Ash! Sounds like a very interesting project. Looking forward to seeing a lot of delicious recipes and pictures from you in 2010!
Katja said…
Best of luck with the 365 project! :) I once tried it but I just didn't have enough time for it and had to quit but I would love to try it again sometime :)
Happy New Year!
Anonymous said…
sweden is friggin cold aswell!!:)
Anonymous said…
Its friggin cold here in the UK too. Ahhhhhhhhhhh! I hate winter!!!!!!!! Cant wait to see your scones daaaaahling.
*kisses* HH
Mireya said…
You took these from a car?? Great work!!

Happy New Year!
Oh Ash, its not fair, I love the sound of this 365 and I had a look at it. I so want to do it but....we'll see. Have a super-blessed 2010 and lots of love, Oz
Dewi said…
Such a wonderful photos!
Irene said…
Love the trees... love the haystacks!
Shelly said…
Have been following you for a little while now and want to say thank you for your beautiful photos and your wonderful thoughts. I am in a huge transition in my life right now and it is just one day at a time and I enjoy all the inspiration that others have to share. I use my blog as somewhat of a gratitude journal and as my eye on the prize so to speak and I love women who inspire which in turn empowers others. Many do not realize the impact that they have and I just wanted to share your little impact on me. Thank You and keep sharing those beautiful pics.
Always, Shelly

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