wicked good

Do you ever have a time when only a doughnut will do? The craving can get pretty desperate during that midday lull or late at night especially when all the shops are closed.
On contrary I woke up this morning wanting french toast and while passing an article yesterday in my copy of delicious was a recipe for doughnut french toast... well I just had to make that of course.

doughnut french toast
2 large free-range eggs
60ml milk
2 tsp good vanilla extract
4 slices of rustic chunky white bread
(cut thin)
25g butter, plus a splash of oil for frying
50g caster sugar
1 tsp cinnamon

1. Beat the eggs with the milk and vanilla in a shallow bowl or plate with a lip. Soak the bread in the eggy mixture for 3-5 min on each side.
2. Heat the butter and oil in a frying pan and add the egg-soaked bread until golden and scorched in places. Put the sugar and cinnamon on a plate and dip the cooked bread until coated in sugar like a sugared doughnut.

This was quite the sugarlicious treat, a little to sweet for my liking especially in the morning, but this at night would be pretty darn good. Plus I liked the sugar crunch. But I won't lie and say I wouldn't mind waking up to this in morning with a piping hot cup of coffee if someone made it for me though.

I would also like to thank Uncle Beef for featuring some of my spice on his blog the other day. Cheers!

Plus you defiantly need to check out this cute little stop-motion video... starring none other then... a cupcake!


Mmm I can totally do some sweetness in the morning! Or even spiciness . . . or leftover pizza . . . :D

This looks much better than cold pizza, though!!
Amanda said…
I'm glad you went for it. After I responded to your tweet, I googled "doughnut french toast" and drooled in my office. :)
Valerie Gamine said…
French toast and a doughnut all in one! Wow, I could easily live on that...not very long, but happily. :))
Christine said…
What great way to start a day :-)
Vanillaorchid said…
wowwwww...I wanna have this for my breakfast as well. They're absolutely yummy and I like your photo very much.
Cherie said…
Now that's what I call breakfast! Is that some homemade jam I'm seeing?
Chef Chuck said…
Yum Yum Yum!!! Yes Ash, I have those cravings for a nice sweet tasting breakfasts, often!! This looks so inviting! :)
Ash said…
Amanda: Haha, yeah I got your tweet, I'm so glad I went for it too!

Cherie: not my home made jam, but someone else's... gotta love sour cherry!
Anonymous said…
Oh man that sounds good - french toast and doughnuts - yes please!
El said…
I love this post. The photography is incredibly appetizing. Just heaven!
Karine said…
Doughnut french toast? I am sold! :)
La Bella Cooks said…
Oh this sounds so perfect right now! I could use some sweet to brighten the day.
apparentlyjessy said…
I made doughnut french toast a while back, and I agree, it is SOOOO sweet, but still it was fun and something different for breakfast!
Melbourne was great thank you so much, it is my favourite place to visit within Australia too, its got great culture and so many cool shops!
I bought all the Buffy Season 8 graphic novels from a giant comic book/pop culture store, SO awesome!!!
Paris Pastry said…
I sooo love this recipe! It is one of my favorite french toast recipes :)

Beautifully photographed!
Uncle Beefy said…
I. Hate. You! But in the best possible way! Have mercy! What a combo! :)
Delicious. So agree about sometimes having to have something sweet for breakfast. Just indulged in some delicious fruity brioche!
Hilary said…
I am so making this on the weekend!
Anonymous said…
This is a recipe i totally need to make!

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