a little halloween treat...

Halloween is upon us, very soon in fact, and I thought I'd get in the spirt of things with some simple and inspiring treats!
I have yet to carve a pumpkin this year, but I want to. I better get on it, halloween it creeping up soon and I've been wanting some warm toasted pumpkin seeds for sometime now and there's no better time. Perhaps some spicy garlic roasted seeds? I think that sounds just about right.

very vanilla cupcakes with vanilla bean whipped cream
very vanilla cupcakes recipe here
vanilla bean whipped cream
2 cups whipping cream
1tbs vanilla bean paste or beans from 1 pod
1/4 cup icing sugar
black gum balls for topping
-whip cream and vanilla paste in a mixer or if you have a power arm, feel free to mix it by hand, add icing sugar until stiff peeks.

I found these very cool halloween candy canes from Michaels craft store and this kinda creepy but fab milk glass vase from the thrift store, filled up with some black gum balls or other creepy candy turns it into something from Elvira's castle. Whether she had a castle or not, I'm not sure, but I could see it!

Are any of you very cool people doing something fun this halloween?


Chef Chuck said…
Really cool Ash!! Your photo's capture me and the feeling of Halloween!! I like the birds, and the cupcakes, I could indulge in one right now! Wonderful job!
Irene said…
HOW FUN!!!!! I love the styling of this one, and your cupcakes are always pretty darn amazing. I wish I liked Halloween a little more, but it's not really my thing. Just going to put out some candy for the kids and hang at home with the fireplace on, eating pumpkin bread. :)
Amanda said…
oh! oh! You used vanilla bean paste and just got some!!! This whipped cream sounds absolutely amazing. I'm so over buttercream these days, but I don't know that I'm up to a cooked icing yet. This sounds perfect.

(And don't worry about making my challenge harder on me. We all know comments make the world go 'round!) :)

I'm going to be Marilyn Monroe for Halloween, and I can't wait to wear my $10 Goodwill dress and all the fancy jewelry I can find.
Anonymous said…
Love the look of these cupcakes and again your photography is awesome - just the right level of halloween creepiness.
Mrs. B. said…
That looks gorgeous!! Just stumbled on your lovely blog via Amuse-Bouche. I love your photos!
Valerie Gamine said…
What a gorgeous, ghoulish display of Halloween treats! Thank you for sharing. :))
El said…
This is an incredibly beautiful collection of Halloween treats. The styling and photos show your serious talent! I just tweeted this post on Twitter- it's awesome. Happy Halloween!
Such pretty cupcakes! very elegant!


Your photographs are stunning! Assuming the "attempts into photography" bit in your About Me is a joke because this is magazine quality stuff :)

ps: cute use of black gumballs!
apparentlyjessy said…
Ash, again you amaze me with your gorgeous styling and photos! You have so much talent, I am always inspired by you!
LOVE the simple cupcakes, they are simple yet in that setting help create that spooky spooky look. Love it! I wish I could get my hands on some of those candy canes!
Happy Halloween!
Rose said…
Your cupcakes sound lovely. The icing is so perfect! I love vanilla flavoured things. And I think the vase is pretty, it kinda looks like a big cup :)

Hilary said…
Ash, I'm so glad you found my blog because now I've found yours. I love it! Such great photos and so much visual inspiration here.

I won't be doing anything for Halloween except baking cupcakes. Was going to go to a party but it's too far and I'm too lazy ;)
Tracy said…
Wickedly beautiful photos...I just got lost in them...
Lucy said…
These are so pretty (and slightly spooky!). The whipped cream frosting looks gorgeous :)
Cherie said…
I know what I want to do for Halloween! Come over to your castle and devour all these gorgeous cupcakes!
Cathie said…
beautiful for Halloween inspired cupcakes!
I prefer these to the gruesome ones floating around on the net.
enjoy yourself, we don't really celebrate Halloween here, only through blogospheres.
Adam said…
Love the look of your Halloween cupcakes. The pictures are beautiful,.
You have such beautiful photos and I also love your styling - these are too pretty, Ash!
Anonymous said…
Thanks for visiting my blog. I just came by here to browse around yours and its fab :D, what beautiful pictures and delicious goodies.
Have a fabulous weekend and a super Halloween!
Miss B said…
Wow, I would say you successfully have channeled Hallow's Eve here! Gorgeous!
Omgosh. WOW. I am stunned. This is pure beauty. I love how you captured the spirit of Holloween without using orange. This is AMAZING. Hands down.

Btw, this is my first time in your blog and I am loving it.
What lovely Halloween treats. I love your photographs!
These are so pretty and perfect for the season! Happy Halloween!
Unknown said…
Absolutely scrumptious looking and beautifully presented. I need a cupcake.... STAT!
gine said…
oooh lovely!!!! happy belated halloween :-)!!!
La Bella Cooks said…
Those are definitely the most elegant Halloween cupcakes out there. Excellent job and your photos really capture the Halloween spirit without being over the top. Love it!
Jess said…
those candy sticks are gorgeous-- such a lovely treat for Halloween!

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