summer days

So, I really really wanted to make ice-cream. Good ice-cream and considering I don't have a ice-cream maker it was gonna pose a bit of a challenge and we all know that the business of this creamy cold treat is in that maker and without it the ice-cream tends to fall a little flat or hard in this case.
It's really all about the churning capabilities of said machine isn't it? I think so.
While my ever-so addicted eyes were browsing pinterest I found a pretty awesome recipe for no-churn cheese cake ice-cream. The cheesecake part pretty much had me but even more so was the no-churn process of course and the outcome? Pretty tasty and I think my mom loved it even more.
Head on over here for the recipe and check out the chocolate sorbet I did a while back. Which I think I must make again soon!
I hope your doing well...
O my god after going over your fabulous recipe, it seem your touch will always prevail!
I was surprised to see this lovely ice cream post, for I just did one too.
We must be on the same wave length.
~Take care~
All the best, Chuck
x Eve