strawberry pickin' and a pie

Wanna know something? As a child I hated pies. Maybe it was the warm fruit thing or possibly that most didn't contain chocolate. Either way I think my fondness for pies as an adult developed from the same thing as my ever growing love for veggies as an adult. I remember despising red peppers and mushrooms and now these two things are almost eaten daily, especially when in grilled form.
I do have to say this post is coming something of late. I planned to post it right in the midst of strawberry season but unfortunately I'm just getting to it now and I thought you all might still like a little bit of pie peeping.
Oh and by the way, that guy in the first picture? Thats my friend Scott. He wanted to part-take in some strawberry picking fun although I'm pretty sure he had more fun riding back and forth from the field to the farm on the tractor. He also hates this picture of himself. I thought he looked cute. I just might not tell him its here.
For the recipe: I used this pie crust and the filling is my very unmeasured erratic pretty much pure strawberry concoction, which I will not post since it wasn't quite perfect although tasty.
The recipe looks wonderful.
Love from Spain
On to peaches and peach pie ; )
Your photos brought back good memories!!!
Those grow in my yard in the summer, love making tarts and pies with em..before the squirrels do. Your work is lovely!