fresh Veg


Right now... I can't get enough of fresh market veg. The colours the flavors, they make me happy, especially in roasted form, and they are oh so healthy!
Anyone got a favorite vegetable you are enjoying this season? I'd love to hear. Right now mine is the yellow beet, tastes the same and no pink fingers!

Sorry I've been MIA lately, life's gotten so busy and I haven't even been able to visit the blogsphere as much either. I miss it. I hope to get back on track soon and show all of you the wonders I've been meaning to post.

Hope you all have a super great long weekend! Anyone going away? Camping maybe?


El said…
Beautiful photo. Hope things settle down for you soon!
Jasihn said…
Yay to spring! Vidalia onions are great right now.
A Canadian Foodie said…
Beautiful photo of gorgeous food. I am headed to the market early on this rainy day long weekend Saturday to line up for the fresh asparagus - so a timely post for me!
Fiddleheads! Try them - their time is nigh!
Jennifer said…
This is such a crisp, beautiful shot. Roasted yellow beets are one of my favourites! I'm loving zucchini lately as well.
Chef Chuck said…
I love them all ! ~~ So colorful and healthy ~~
I will be doing a veggie thing tomorrow via NBC!
Thank you :)
Cherie said…
Spring in a bowl! Lovely!
What a gorgeous dish and photograph. Your blog is full of beautiful photography - lovely!
- said…
Very beautiful photo.

I know what you mean though, I love fresh veg too, there's a farm shop not too far from me that sells the most amazing, in season, fruit and veg. Love it.

New Potatoes, with Goats Cheese and Cream...not that it's healthy or I can have a lot before becoming ill- but every once in a while!
ChichaJo said…
I love this vibrant photo! And I love what happens to veg when you roast them...delicious!
Cocina Savant said…
This is a mesmerizing picture. So natural and vibrant. Well done.
Mrs. Stoyko said…
Oh I just noticed this post now, and the photo is lovely! I love, love, love veggies, and these are just stunning! I love carrots that still have a little of the tops on them...

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