it's all about the cupcakes

  A friend of mine had me do up a few batches of cupcakes for a bank gathering. She allowed me to make any flavors I wish.  I went crazy! When I saw these candied lemon slices at the bulk food store... I knew I would then do a lemon cupcake... aren't the lemon slices just cute?

Cupcakes for a friend... include: 
lemony fresh
cloud-like coconut
triple chocolate truffle
'rich' vanilla chocolate
very vanilla

Have a great weekend everyone!
Check out this cute little cupcake shop in Toronto.


Amanda said…
I love that your friend gave you complete freedom and meant it. It seems that most of the time ppl say you can do whatever and then at the last minute they decide they want yellow cake and chocolate icing. Or... maybe that's just the experience that I'm getting ready to blog. :)
Lucy said…
The coconut ones are so pretty! But I know I wouldn't be able to resist the chocolate truffle ones ;)
apparentlyjessy said…
I think they look great Ash! The flavours sound delicious! :)
apparentlyjessy said…
p.s I tagged you :)
gine said…
They all look fantastic, love them ^^!!! hope you had a great weekend :-), XOXO
Juliana said…
Wow, all of them look so yummie! Very nice.
Chef Chuck said…
Nice Cupcakes Ash, That truffle topping yum!!
ashley said…
yum, my tummy is rumbling care of your delicious blog!
il ramaiolo said…
Wonderful cupcakes!!!! I want to go in this shop.... seems a paradise!!
But it's far away from a distance...
see you again! By by :-)
karl's sweet child said…
ooeh that lemon slices is so cute :D
Hannah_wolja said…
Wow, I`m feeling honoured that you like my Blog. I mean your Photos are so "Donna Hay Style". Great Stuff! Love the Cupcakes. They look perfect. Are you a professional photographer?

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