falling into fall


      I was told one of my aunts used to eat her apples with salt. Weird? Ya I thought so too.  But here with the caramel it works. Who doesn't love salted caramel things at the moment anyway? I figured what better way to start fall while cozying up in comfy sweaters and scarves is make something so in tune for the season and caramel apples is something I've been wanting to make for sometime now.
So here it is. I took the easy route.

salted caramel apples

8 medium size apples
8 sticks washed and dried
1 14 oz (appox 400g) pkg of caramels
2 tbsp water
flaked salt for sprinkling

       Wash apples and insert twigs in each (remove any stems before hand). Have a piece of parchment paper ready on a baking sheet to place apples once they've been dipped.
In a medium size sauce pan on medium to low heat add all the caramels and water and stir constantly.  Once melted and perfect for dipping take off the heat and you're ready to start dipping the apples. Let excess drip off then place on the parchment sheet and store in the fridge for a couple of hours to set.  Then you're ready to eat!


Unknown said…
These look delicious. Can I have one for breakfast? :) Beautiful photos as well.
What gorgeous pictures - really like the way you've used the typography too.
Unknown said…
Qu'elles sont belles tes pommes ! Je garde ta recette j'ai hâte de l'essayer :) Merci et bonne journée - Bises -
Fellexandro Ruby said…
Beautiful pictures Ash. Always love your pictures. Cheers from a fan in Indonesia. =)
Unknown said…
Hi!! Love your blog, really beautiful everything...
I'll follow you!
See U! Roberta / http://facciamocheerolacuoca.blogspot.it/
Kitchen Butterfly said…
They look absolutely gorgeous Ash, the first photo has me salivating. I've never done caramel apples. May have to improvise this year and do so.....
Anonymous said…
Just found your blog. What a lovely one!!! Delicious recepies and absolutely gorgeius photos!! Wow!! And on the top of it you live in Canada.....where I hope to travel some day in my life. Will definitely check this blog more. You better write many posts, haha! Take care!
lapiubelladitutte said…
I 've never seen a caramele apple looking so good before!!!
lapiubelladitutte said…
I 've never seen a caramele apple looking so good before!!!
Ash said…
Thanks everyone for your kind comments!!
Anonymous said…
wow looks great. I'm gonna make this! Thank you for the recipe.

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