its been a while...


Yes, it been a while hasn't it? How have you all been doing? Ready for the season? Christmas is just around the corner and I'm pretty excited. I already can't wait to start watching Christmas movies, roasting chestnuts and trimming the tree. Who's with me?
These three treats aren't quite christmas but good nothing less. As excited as I am about it this year it's still a tad too early for me. One of my Aunts who adores Christmas put up her tree and I'm sure decorations too before halloween was even over! Intense.


tri-colour tomatoes and goat cheese on bread

1 loaf rustic bread (ie, cabatta or sour dough)
3-4 vine tomatoes in different colours, sliced
2 tbsp olive oil (plus extra for frying, optional)
2 tbsp white balsamic vinegar
1 tsp sesame oil
2-3 sprigs of fresh thyme
1 clove garlic
goat cheese for spreading
salt and pepper to taste

Combine olive oil, balsamic vinegar and sesame oil and mix. On a large plate lay sliced tomatoes and drizzle over dressing. Toast bread until slightly browned (optional: not the heathy-iest but super tasty, in a frying pan eat 1-2 tbsp olive oil and fry bread until slightly browned and crispy). Cut your garlic clove in half and rub it right onto the crispy bread (2-4 times should be well enough). Spread on goat cheese, top with tomatoes and sprinkle over thyme and salt and pepper.

almond cake with vanilla cherry compote
recipe adapted from Donna Hay

for the almond cake
90g butter, softened
1/2 cup caster sugar
2 eggs
1 cup ground almonds
1/4 all-purpose flour
2 tsp grated lemon rind
1/4 tsp baking powder

for the vanilla cherry compote
100g caster sugar
4 tbsp lemon juice
1 pint cherries, pitted
1 tsp vanilla bean paste or extract

Preheat the oven to 320 F. Place the butter and sugar in a food processor and process until just combined. Add the eggs, ground almonds, flour, lemon rind and baking powder and process until just combined. Spoon the mixture into a fluted edged pie tin with a loose bottom. Bake for 25-30 minutes or until cooked when tested with a wooden skewer. Let cool.

Combine sugar and lemon juice in a medium sauce pan and cook over high heat for 1-2 minutes. Add cherries and vanilla and cook until mixture is slightly syrupy (3-5min). Let cool and top on cake.

The homemade honey butter cornbread I saw over on Kristen's blog Dine and Dish not too long ago and had to absolutely try since I have never made cornbread before. Check out Kristen's adapted version here and the original recipe from Real Simple.


la domestique said…
Oh I love a sweet cornbread with honey! And the almond cake with cherries looks so delicate and pretty.
Kristen said…
I'm glad your back and am in the same boat - ready for all the fun activities that come along with Christmas! Love your photos, as always.
Melissa said…
Hi Ashley, Melissa here from Food Bloggers of Canada. Just popping by to check out your blog, which is just beautiful. Lovely photos! We've also added you to our Membership Directory - welcome aboard!
El said…
So worth the wait. Beautiful!
samantha ramage said…
yummmmmmmmm. that tomato bread looks too delicious! love your blog!

Unknown said…
Man, this post is making me so hungry!
Lucas said…
Hey Ash I really enjoy your pictures! What kind of camera do you use?
Jeane M. said…
Absolutely take note of this one specially the easy sandwhich. Got a super delicious food ideas for this season. Thanks for sharing!

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Your photos are gorgeous. I just discovered your blog (so happy I did!) and I really hope you post more frequently. :)
Courtney said…
Thank heavens for Pinterest (my new obsession) I found your food photos. So inspirational!
Cathie said…
hi Ash, thought of you and just wanted to say hello.

hope all ok, hugs ♥
Jennifer said…
Such a beautiful site!
I'll be back for sure.

Happy Friday
: ))
Teti ♥ said…
Oh I love your blog and the pictures of the food are awsome <3
Neil | Butterfield said…
I came across your blog today. We had a stunning Christmas and did much of what you described here. I would like to take this opportunity to wish you a great 2012. :-)
Unknown said…
I MUST try one of these recipes, everything looks so yummy! Thank you for sharing this.
Sriya said…
first time here ... glad to follow you ..very yummy pie and tempting too ...visit my blog

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