cleaning and baking, baking and cleaning

   Today has been such a gorgeous day!  The sun is shining, the birds are singing, a warm breeze is  flowing threw the window which I'm pretty sure has turned into a cool breeze.... sigh.
  I think this weekend will be one for baking and spring cleaning.  I've been kind of lazy in the cleaning department lately, I don't know what it is but I just don't have the urge.  So with high hopes for some magic to happen this weekend... the house will finally be back in order! (maybe I'll find my camera battery charger too!)

ps. that shirt that I lost... remember that?  Well it was hiding out in a drawer with my certain unmentionables... yeah I know... weird. lol

Find the biscotti recipe here.

Happy weekend everyone!


Dewi said…
Pretty immaculate indeed! I love it when my house clean, and everything is in order. Life is good, isn't it. I think there is something to do with that sun shinning!
Have a wonderful weekend dear ASH!
Lucy said…
Your big " & " is soo cool! Love it and the biscotti. Have a lovely weekend :)
apparentlyjessy said…
I love these photos, so crisp and pure...the colours are fantastic.
I love your green chair, we have them in the local public hospital, where my Mum works, I grew up around that hospital and sat on many a green chair! Am feeling nostalgic now!
Hope your spring cleaning is a success, and I wish you a beautiful weekend too! :)
steph- whisk/spoon said…
cleaning is the worst...i'd much rather be munching on delicious biscotti! are those photos of your place--looks spotless to me!
Elyse said…
Sounds like a great way to spend the weekend--two perfect spring activities. Those biscotti look super yummy, by the way! Oh, and I'm so glad you found your shirt :)
La Bella Cooks said…
I love the biscotti! You can never go wrong with a great batch of biscotti. Glad you found that missing shirt too! lol.
Chef Chuck said…
It's funny what we may find after a good cleaning! Enjoy the good weather, Yumm Biscotti! Enjoy:)

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